Kia Ora Bloggers, this week we had Zinkie from Duffy books come to our school to give
us our Duffy books we ordered. The teachers chose who got there books in assembly
and then everyone else would get them in class. Zinkie was dressed up in a rainbow
skirt and cylinder hat (Going sideways). Zinkie got us to do this special meditation
thing when we float to her “planet”. Zinkie also told us that she flew to earth on a
lollipop spaceship but I saw her car out in the car park. My favourite part was
when we sang the Duffy song. After the assembly we went back to class and
got our books. I got Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Herobrine goes to school book 1
& Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad battle of the Bionic Booger boy, part 2:
The revenge of the ridiculous robo-boogers.

us our Duffy books we ordered. The teachers chose who got there books in assembly
and then everyone else would get them in class. Zinkie was dressed up in a rainbow
skirt and cylinder hat (Going sideways). Zinkie got us to do this special meditation
thing when we float to her “planet”. Zinkie also told us that she flew to earth on a
lollipop spaceship but I saw her car out in the car park. My favourite part was
when we sang the Duffy song. After the assembly we went back to class and
got our books. I got Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Herobrine goes to school book 1
& Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad battle of the Bionic Booger boy, part 2:
The revenge of the ridiculous robo-boogers.

Blog you later.
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