
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Night Owl or Early Riser (Summer Learning Journey)

Night Owl or Early Riser

I am definitely a Night Owl because I am always staying up extremely late reading my book. Last night I stayed up till 2:30 AM and I wasn't tired at all, crazy right!

My sister Bella is also a Night Owl because she is mostly always staying up until midnight on her phone. She is usually texting her best friend until she falls asleep.

My mum is an early riser because she wakes up early to get everything for the morning ready for us. She also uses the the time that we are asleep to get some time to herself.

So it just goes to show that everyone is either staying up late or not and that is their life cycle.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Jack,

    You’re right, people are all different and I think as long as everyone get enough sleep then it doesn’t matter.I was definitely a night owl growing up as well. My mum would always come into my room late and take my books off me so I couldn’t stay up late reading. She always had a hard time getting me up in the morning because I had stayed up so late! These days I am similar to your mum, I love getting up early to have time to myself and to get ready for the day. Is Bindi a night owl or a early riser with your mum?

    Blog ya later,

