
Sunday, January 13, 2019

My Superpower (Summer Learning Journey)

My Superpower
If I could have any power in the world I would choose Telekinesis. This power would be really cool to have because you can just lift people up and lift anything up with your mind, I really want to be a scientist when I grow up so I can make a glove that can make you lift things up without touching them, That would be awesome.


  1. Kia ora Jack

    Georgia E here! You have had such a busy weekend finishing all these activities and to such an excellent standard as well. I hope you’re enjoying your Monday morning! It’s dark, dull and rainy in Auckland which is nice since I am inside, how about the beautiful Northland?

    Telekinesis would be awesome, you could just sit on the couch and move things without moving. But I think it would also make me quite lazy as I wouldn’t have to get up to move things myself! I think becoming a scientist would be awesome as there is so much to learn about the world.

    I think I would choose flight! While I sit at the park bench I often watch birds fly, they look so serene and it looks effortless.

    I really love how you have added photos of what you are lifting with your mind! Keep up the awesome wor.

    Blog you later!
    Georgia E

  2. Hi I am from a school in Canada and if I could have a superpower I would love to be able to teleport because I could get around faster and travel everywhere. Telekinesis would be so fun to have.

  3. Hello Jack,
    I am Vitaraag. Telekinesis would be a cool superpower to have. I would of had invisibility because you can sneak in places were you are not allowed. Maybe next time you could say why you want it. Keep up the nice work.


  4. Hi Jack,

    What an interesting and cool superpower to have chosen! I love the image you have shared with it, it perfectly represents what the superpower does, ka pai.

    That is awesome to hear you'd like to be a scientist when you are older. The glove would be an interesting tool to have. It could be especially helpful for older people who have lost a lot of their strength, so they can lift things without hurting themselves.

    I would love to know what superpower your Mum and Sister would choose. Could you ask them and give me the answer in a comment below? :-)

    Looking forward to more awesome blog posts from you soon Jack!
    Nga mihi, Georgia.
