
Monday, January 21, 2019

Restricted Access (Summer Learning Journey)

I Think that it is a good idea to put a restriction on the number of tourists allowed to visit Machu Picchu because if there are too many tourists around then it will be destroyed.
Though people think that it may not be fair it is very fair because people take advantage of things that they are given so if they do that privilege is taken away so this is good that they have done this.


  1. Mōrena Jack!

    How is your Tuesday morning going? In Auckland it is overcast and dull, with potential showers (hopefully not).

    I haven’t visited Machu Picchu myself, but my good friend was lucky enough to visit last year and said it was incredible! They said that there are different tracks you can take, one taking up to 4 days! That sure is a long time.
    Kai pai on thinking critically about the two different perspectives that people may hold about this important issue!
    You are right people should be able to visit the beautiful Machu Picchu as it is a once in a lifetime chance. The Government might want to think about alternative options don’t you think? Because they still need to protect the sight otherwise there will be no where for the tourists to visit.

    Can you think of an alternative option of limiting the tourists visiting Machu picchu?
    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Georgia E

  2. Hello Jack,
    I am Vitaraag. You have stepped up your game and now you have made better blog posts. I am really looking forward to reading some you your future blog posts. Do you want to visit Machu Picchu? I do. When I grow up I would want to defiantly go there. Maybe next time you can say what take advantage and what advantage. Keep up the phenomenal work!

  3. Hi Jack,

    Today is the last day of the Summer Learning Journey so I thought I would pop on to say well done for your amazing efforts this summer. You have done such an incredible job at completing activities to such an exemplary quality.

    The Kaikohekohe commenting team are all so proud of you for finishing the programme. You are awesome Jack, ka pai!

    I hope you enjoyed your summer and I am really looking forward to visiting Paihia School in February.

    Nga mihi,

  4. Kia Ora Jack,

    Great Work! I am sorry to say but today is the final day of blogging and it would be really great to see everyone of your posts up on your blog. This post about Restricted access to Machu Picchu is such an excellent post. Because it is the last day I am putting all my effort in towards all my comments, so I really hope you enjoy.

    I think having to see Machu Picchu as a restricted place, I really think it shouldn't as it's not fair for anyone who has paid the exact amount for the flight and especially the place, which is silly.

    Overall fabulous work Jack, I really hope you can finish the journey if you have than excellent. Keep up the great work and hope to see more blogging from you very soon.

    Have you been to Machu Picchu?

    Good luck,
