
Sunday, January 20, 2019

David Attenborough (Summer Learning Journey)

David Attenborough

I would choose to save from extinction (If they were going extinct) the.... 

White tiger: They are really cool and it would be sad if they go extinct.
Giant panda: They are very cool like the white tiger and cute so if they went extinct it would be really sad.
Blue whale: They are really cool whales and I do not want them to go extinct.
snow leopard: Because people hunt them as a sport so we need to protect them and stop this happening.
Gorilla: Gorillas are important because without them eating the plants in the forests the ecosystem would become unbalanced and the vegetation will grow too much and it will so become dangerous for all animals and humans.
Whooping crane: There were first only 15 in North America in 1941 but in 2011 there were a rough 279 which is when you think of it is a huge increase but even after this huge success the Whooping Cranes are now decreasing in numbers because of climate change and human activities.
Sea otter: in 1977 the Sea Otters were all in a great number of quantity but by 2018 they were badly decreasing, the Sea Otters have started decreasing badly over the 34 years from 1977 to 2018 but the weir thing is that with all of these otters around why are they not growing in quantity's.
Asian elephant: Elephants are very important as when they poo they leave seeds in their dung which acts as a fertilizer for the plants.
Orangutan: Orangutan's are in danger because people are destroying the habitats that they live in and they are in danger of extinction because of this.
Tasmanian Devil: They are in danger of going extinct because of getting run over on the roads and getting attacked by dogs which is not good because they are the worlds largest living Marsupial.


  1. Kia ora Jack!

    Congratulations on all the posts you have done over the weekend, you have shown us how dedicated you are to this programme! We really appreciate your effort and we are loving reading your captivating (attracting and holding interest) posts.

    Well done on creating a detailed list of reasons why you would save these animals, you have truly worked hard on this. My favourite animal you have listed is the ‘sea otter’, because you have given a really interesting fact about their decline. I didn’t know that their population was declining, I wonder why this is?

    Keep up the awesome work!

    ngā mihi,
    Georgia E

  2. Kia Ora Georgia E. Thank you for commenting on my blog. This one took me nearly 3 hours to do because I really enjoyed doing it and I got caught up reading about it.
