
Monday, January 21, 2019

Earth Day (Summer Learning Journey)

Earth Day
Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Use less rubbish reuse things that you can make into new things (I am always making stuff out of reusable stuff).
Pay attention to how you use water.
Walk or ride your bike to work, school and anywhere you can.


  1. Hi Jack,

    Wow, what an awesome poster you have created! I love all of the different elements and the people walking and biking around the edges of Earth, you are so creative! :-)

    I think all of your tips on how to save the planet are fabulous. I too love the idea of walking and biking when I can. Not only do you help the environment but you are also giving your body exercise and fresh air, what a bonus!

    I think the use of water is taken for granted here in New Zealand, especially when you aren't on tank water because it's endless so you don't often consider how much you are actually going through. Can you think of any way that you will be reducing your water usage?

    Well done on another exemplary post Jack.
    Nga mihi, Georgia.

  2. Mōrena Jack!

    WOW! I am so impressed with this google drawing you have produced, did you make this yourself? In fact I am so impressed I am going to show our Kaikohekohe team because you have put so much effort into this activity, kai pai.

    You have given us three really good reasons in how to save our planet. You clearly understand how important it is to keep our Earth healthy and how humans affect the Earth to a great extent. I like your idea of ‘paying attention to how we use water’, by turning of the water off when you are brushing your teeth, you will save 757 litres of water a month! Can you find any facts about fuel?

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Georgia E

  3. Hello Jack,
    I am Vitaraag. You have came up with so many good things to do to help the environment. I have one question. Are you actually going to follow those rules? Maybe next time you can say what these things do to help to environment. Do you think the world will become extinct because of air pollution and stuff. I think we should use no cars walk around give food and money to endangered animals. Last but not least you could plants lots of crops. Do you want to help save the environment. Keep up the phenomenal work!

