
Sunday, January 13, 2019

WWF Tigers (Summer Learning Journey)


WWF is trying to find habitats for the tigers where no one is allowed in or allowed to down trees around it.

WWF is working with scientists to try and find good habitats to put the tigers.
These areas have to be where there are lots of prey and tigers around. 

WWF is putting cameras and tracking devices around the tigers habitats so they do not lose them.

WWF is also trying to stop poachers killing tigers and then selling the skin on black markets.Image result for WWF Tiger images

Tigers WWF

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Jack,

    Did you enjoy watching the video about the different types of tiger protectors? I found it very interesting because it showed us that anyone could be a tiger protector. If you got to work with the WWF to help save an animal, which animal would you like to help? I think I would like to help the protect Sea Turtles in the countries known as the Coral Triangle in Southeast Asia.

    Did you know that there is only ten days left of the Summer Learning Journey. Remember you can do the activities in any order you like. This page here tells you the topic of all the tasks so if there is anything that interests you, find the activity and post it up on your blog. Here is the page here:

    Blog ya later,

