
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Summer Learning Journey

Kia ora bloggers! The Summer Learning Journey is BACK! Taylor who is a commenter from the SLJ came in to talk to us about the SLJ and what the activities will be this year. This year the subject of the SLJ is Changemakers. We get to do activities like researching things about Stephen Hawking and Youtubers. I can’t wait for the SLJ to start this Summer! Hopefully I don’t fall down the summer slide (The Summer Slide is where you could be at 4 B in reading grades at the end of the year but then over the summer you could fall down to 2 P in reading). The Summer learning Journey is a blogging program where you can keep your grades to where they were. Blog you Later.


  1. Kia ora Jack,

    My name is Olive and I’m one of the new blog commentators in the Kaikohekohe cluster this summer! I’m working the Teaser Week and I’m super excited to see all your blog activities!

    I love you enthusiasm for The Summer Learning Journey! It;s bloggers like you who make my day with their passion about this program!

    I hope you have time to start some of the activities soon! I can’t wait to see your work.

    Feel free to check out my blog and get to know me a little better!

    If you’d like to meet my lovely team you can here.

    Ngā mihi,

  2. Hi Jack,

    I'm so glad you're excited for the Summer Learning Journey to start! You obviously listened well when I visited your school, and it's awesome that you're sharing all that information about the programme with your friends and other students who come to your blog.

    I am very excited to see your posts. If you have time, you could try out a teaser activity before the programme officially starts next Monday. You can find the teaser activities here:

    Nga mihi,
