1. The most popular films in the country include ‘Once were Warriors’, ‘The Whale Rider’, ‘The Piano’ and the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy. This interested me because we have only just gone to Hobbiton where part of The Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed and it was awesome. It was amazing how they made a gigantic artificial tree just for 3 or 4 scenes.
2. Another interesting fact is that the Auckland City Sky Tower is the tallest freestanding structure in the Southern Hemisphere at 328 meters high. I found this interesting because whenever my family and I drive through Auckland we play a game of who can spot the sky tower first because it is so tall that you can see it from a very long distance.
3. New Zealand is one of the world’s smallest countries with over 4 million people. Where as America has over 325.7 million. That's pretty amazing because the difference between the population is 321.7 million. WOW I can't even imagine how there city's look compared to Auckland.
Thursday, December 20, 2018
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Asthma Show DLO
At Paihia School we had a man come to our school named Chris and talked to us about asthma. He taught us that using an inhaler and a spacer can actually make it much much better for you. Blog You Later!
Friday, October 26, 2018
Swim Safe
In Te Ngahere on the 24th of October we have been learning about how to stay safe in the water. Tracey from BLAST came to talk to us about staying swim safe, I made a digital learning object to show what I learnt. Whaea Tracey told Reitu, Tayla & I to hop up onto to the stage and become non-confident swimmers. She demonstrated how if one person was drowning then it would be too risky for another person to save him. I think that next week she will be back again (Hopefully)! Blog you later.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Kia Ora Bloggers, In Te Ngahere we have been learning about how takeaways
has an effect on your heart, Takeaways can put too much fat on to your heart
which will make it difficult for your heart to do its thing. One thing that is good
for you is Sushi, sushi only has a little bit of fat so it is good for you and so is
subway, (Though it is very good for me because I only get the bread) I thought
this session was very helpful.
has an effect on your heart, Takeaways can put too much fat on to your heart
which will make it difficult for your heart to do its thing. One thing that is good
for you is Sushi, sushi only has a little bit of fat so it is good for you and so is
subway, (Though it is very good for me because I only get the bread) I thought
this session was very helpful.
Blog you later.
Duffy Books
Kia Ora Bloggers, this week we had Zinkie from Duffy books come to our school to give
us our Duffy books we ordered. The teachers chose who got there books in assembly
and then everyone else would get them in class. Zinkie was dressed up in a rainbow
skirt and cylinder hat (Going sideways). Zinkie got us to do this special meditation
thing when we float to her “planet”. Zinkie also told us that she flew to earth on a
lollipop spaceship but I saw her car out in the car park. My favourite part was
when we sang the Duffy song. After the assembly we went back to class and
got our books. I got Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Herobrine goes to school book 1
& Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad battle of the Bionic Booger boy, part 2:
The revenge of the ridiculous robo-boogers.

us our Duffy books we ordered. The teachers chose who got there books in assembly
and then everyone else would get them in class. Zinkie was dressed up in a rainbow
skirt and cylinder hat (Going sideways). Zinkie got us to do this special meditation
thing when we float to her “planet”. Zinkie also told us that she flew to earth on a
lollipop spaceship but I saw her car out in the car park. My favourite part was
when we sang the Duffy song. After the assembly we went back to class and
got our books. I got Diary of a Minecraft Zombie Herobrine goes to school book 1
& Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad battle of the Bionic Booger boy, part 2:
The revenge of the ridiculous robo-boogers.

Blog you later.
Friday, September 7, 2018
Kia Ora Bloggers! In Te Ngahere we have been learning about Gaming addictions. We got to create an infographic on Easel.ly.
Here’s mine.
I thought that too many kids are abusing the use of gaming and doing it too much.
I think I did well when decorating my infographic.!
Blog you later.
Friday, August 31, 2018
Beeswax Wraps
Kia ora Bloggers! This week we got to make beeswax wraps.
Our teachers provided us with the fabric and then we decorated them.
I drew stick people on mine doing stuff, Bill Cipher, the Illuminati eye & Pac-man.
When we were done decorating, 3 kids would go over to the whare kai with their
fabric and dip them in melted beeswax, then the next day they would use them.
The reason we did this is to stop using plastic packaging.
Our teachers provided us with the fabric and then we decorated them.
I drew stick people on mine doing stuff, Bill Cipher, the Illuminati eye & Pac-man.
When we were done decorating, 3 kids would go over to the whare kai with their
fabric and dip them in melted beeswax, then the next day they would use them.
The reason we did this is to stop using plastic packaging.
Blog you later!
Friday, August 17, 2018
In Te Ngahere we have been learning about eating healthy breakfasts, Whaea Gina came in and had us learn about the labels on the cereal boxes. Whaea Gina told us that there has to be less than 10g of fat and the same for sugar, but for fibre more than 5g otherwise you will starve. Breakfast means you are breaking the fast. Fast means you do not eat for a little while so you are breaking it to eat, at the moment I am creating a DLO and I will update this post when it is finished.
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Eating healthy
In Te Ngahere we have been learning how to eat healthy. Whaea Gina came in on Monday to explain to us
about healthy eating. She showed us different types of drinks that you should have everyday, once a week
& once a month.
about healthy eating. She showed us different types of drinks that you should have everyday, once a week
& once a month.
The only ones that went in everyday was the Fonterra milk for schools and water. The ones that went in
once a week were Powerade, Chocolate milk & Just Juice.
once a week were Powerade, Chocolate milk & Just Juice.
And lastly the ones that went in once a month were Coca Cola, V energy Drink,
Mother energy drink & E2.
Someone asked if Diet Coke was still good for you and Whaea Gina said no, she said that diet coke is
just the same as normal coke but kind of different with some other ingredients.
Mother energy drink & E2.
Someone asked if Diet Coke was still good for you and Whaea Gina said no, she said that diet coke is
just the same as normal coke but kind of different with some other ingredients.
I want to try and make a google slide and explain about the different types of drinks & healthy and
unhealthy foods
unhealthy foods
Also the next time I get a Coke I am going to put it into a small cup and have a little bit every once in a
Friday, July 27, 2018
Ukulele Lessons
In Te Ngahere we have been learning about how to play the ukulele.
We learnt about the differences between a guitar & a ukulele and everything about a ukulele.
We learnt about the neck of the instrument and about every detail of a ukulele.
We also learnt how to play finger 1 finger 2 finger 3 and strum.
I had the same colour ukulele as Bella and Tayla. It was yellow.
I really enjoyed doing ukulele lessons because I have always wanted to play a ukulele (and a clarinet).
I think I did well during the lessons by listening and not playing around with my ukulele.
We learnt about the differences between a guitar & a ukulele and everything about a ukulele.
We learnt about the neck of the instrument and about every detail of a ukulele.
We also learnt how to play finger 1 finger 2 finger 3 and strum.
I had the same colour ukulele as Bella and Tayla. It was yellow.
I really enjoyed doing ukulele lessons because I have always wanted to play a ukulele (and a clarinet).
I think I did well during the lessons by listening and not playing around with my ukulele.
Can’t wait till the next lesson!
Friday, June 15, 2018
Te Reo Maori Quiz
In Te Ngahere we have been learning about Te Reo Maori. We had to make a quiz about Te Reo Kai. Here is mine
This is the quiz link
Friday, June 8, 2018
In Te Ngahere we have been learning about ecosystems. We had to write down an explanation to what an ecosystem is. This Link will take you to my explanation so you can read it and hopefully learn something from it. If I could do my writing again I would have tried to finish it faster.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Bay Bush Action
In Te Ngahere we have been learning about Te Ngahere. (The Bush) Two people named Stella & Brad
came into our class and talked to us about Bay Bush Action. They brought in some stuffed animals and
rats. Stella & Brad let our class place rat traps around the school. After all that Saffyre said thank you on
behalf of Te Ngahere then they left.
came into our class and talked to us about Bay Bush Action. They brought in some stuffed animals and
rats. Stella & Brad let our class place rat traps around the school. After all that Saffyre said thank you on
behalf of Te Ngahere then they left.
It was fun having them in Te Ngahere and I hope they come back soon.
Our goal this year is to be the first rat free school in New Zealand!!
Here are some photos
Rat Free
Friday, May 25, 2018
Room Writing
In Te Ngahere we had to write a story about a room. I wrote 2 of them and My First one is called Abandoned War Here it is
(My Mum said I might be the next Stephen King)
(My Mum said I might be the next Stephen King)
Abandoned War
Dusty dirty boards.
Covering the windows.
The scream of a little girl.
Like someone getting shredded
Flickering chandelier.
Giving out creepy shadows
The smell of rat dung.
Super stinky
Stuck in an abandoned apartment
The creaky elevator creepily putting on music.
Every 5 minutes
Hoping that someone will save me.
Look out the window and there it is
A war going on through the darkness
Tnt blowing up houses.
Townspeople being taken as hostages
Tanks rolling over cars.
Destroying hundreds of buildings
This one next.
Falling down to the ground from the window.
The crying of people.
Just seeing the dark lid on the coffin
My funeral.
Floating away from earth
Seeing heaven.
Landing on the cloud
Seeing long lost ancestors.
The smile on my face
Looking out for the children of earth.
Loving every single one of them
By Jack Andrews
This is my second one
Abandoned Lab
Dusty dirty boards.
Covering the windows.
The scream of a little girl.
Like someone getting shredded
Flickering chandelier.
Giving out creepy shadows
The smell of rat dung.
Super stinky
The creaky elevator creepily putting on music.
Every 5 minutes
The cackle of a mad scientist
Falling through a hole in the floor
Landing in a transparent tube
Broken glasses
Different coloured liquid
Lab coats
Marble floor
Very dusty computer
Protective goggles
Door opening
Sound of a phone hanging up
Old man walking into the room
Wrinkled eyes
Revolting lab coat
Cracked safety goggles
By Jack Andrews
Hope you liked it!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Moment in Time
In Te Ngahere we have been doing descriptive writing. We had to paint a picture in the reader's mind
while explaining Te Ngahere. If the link doesn’t work then you can just read it down below.
while explaining Te Ngahere. If the link doesn’t work then you can just read it down below.
Lush green leaves shine like emeralds peeking out of the ground, Pure blue sky like a sea full of giant
White whales, Beautiful birds singing soft lullabies!!
White whales, Beautiful birds singing soft lullabies!!
The forest is one great and spectacular place for everyone to share! In some forests like the Botanical
Gardens in Taupo people hide painted rocks for other people to find but some say that you’re only
allowed to take 2 rocks per person. In lots of forests people also gather around and plant new trees
and bushes.
Gardens in Taupo people hide painted rocks for other people to find but some say that you’re only
allowed to take 2 rocks per person. In lots of forests people also gather around and plant new trees
and bushes.
If the world didn’t have forests people couldn’t live because people need air and trees produce a
lot of it. The forest is an Important gem and people can easily smash that gem so people have to
be very careful when they go into our beloved forests!!
lot of it. The forest is an Important gem and people can easily smash that gem so people have to
be very careful when they go into our beloved forests!!
I think that I could have done well by making it better and that’s what i’ll do next time.
Hope you liked it!!
P.S if the link doesn’t work please leave a comment to let me know.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Metaphor poem
On Monday March the 26th Te Ngahere started writing poem drafts about ourselves. We weren’t allowed to use because and like because it was a poem not a piece of random writing. We were using metaphors to explain our poems. I think on my new published poem I could make it better and add more detail. If you have anything to ask me about my poem just put a comment down below and i’ll be sure to get back to you as soon as I can.
Here's my poem
Jack is…
Jack is a Minecraft character creating his spectacular world in any way he can
Jack is a Chest opening up to store new Info
Jack is a tiny little pohutukawa shrub seeking knowledge from the other elegant trees
Jack is a special pasta, delicious and strange
Jack is a charming shapeshifter always ready to take a new form
Thursday, May 3, 2018
Food chains
In Te Ngahere we have been learning about food chains. We had to create an animation about the
food chain we picked. I chose a marine food chain starting with a fish swimming around then with
a shark eating the fish, then a whale came along and ate the shark! The last part of it is when the
whale dies and it’s body gets eaten by bacteria and the bacteria swims away. In my animation a
penguin named Pengu is narrating the story and he tells what’s happening in the food chain. I think
I did well and I hope you like my animation!!
food chain we picked. I chose a marine food chain starting with a fish swimming around then with
a shark eating the fish, then a whale came along and ate the shark! The last part of it is when the
whale dies and it’s body gets eaten by bacteria and the bacteria swims away. In my animation a
penguin named Pengu is narrating the story and he tells what’s happening in the food chain. I think
I did well and I hope you like my animation!!
Friday, March 16, 2018
My Pepeha
My blog post link
In Te Ngahere we have been learning How to explain and introduce our family in our pepeha.
We have been writing down our pepeha and then trying to say them. I have made a slideshow
with my pepeha on it.
A pepeha is where you introduce your family and where your from. Mine went like this. 1. Maunga
(Mountain) 2. Awa (River) 3. Kura (School)4. Kuia & Koro (Nanna & Grandad) 5. Mama & Papa (Mum & Dad)
6. Siblings and then the oldest sibling at the end. It was really hard making it but the hardest bit was
We have been writing down our pepeha and then trying to say them. I have made a slideshow
with my pepeha on it.
A pepeha is where you introduce your family and where your from. Mine went like this. 1. Maunga
(Mountain) 2. Awa (River) 3. Kura (School)4. Kuia & Koro (Nanna & Grandad) 5. Mama & Papa (Mum & Dad)
6. Siblings and then the oldest sibling at the end. It was really hard making it but the hardest bit was
memorising it so I think that i’m gonna have to keep going on that one. hope you like my slideshow!
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