Picture Perfect

Selfie #3
From the selfie I think that she was having lunch at a place on a hill and she just got the idea to take a selfie because the lighting was perfect.
I think that she was just wandering around there and wanted to show her friends and relatives that she was having a great time.
I also think that she could actually be a local there and that she was at her house on the balcony and her friend asked her to take a selfie and she jumped up and took the pic.
When I first saw the picture I thought that she was at a hotel and she was just showing how much fun she was having.
There is a possibility that she was just posting a photo on social media for the pleasure of it.
I think that in this photo she is in Venice an she just couldn't resist the temptation.
She might have been on a tour and they said to take photos so she just went and took the picture.
She might have been on the rooftop of a building and someone dared her to take a selfie on the edge, We may never know.